England Missionary Update

Happy New Year Missions Team! Thank you for the role you are playing in reaching students here in London! We praise God for your partnership. This photo was taken on New Year's Day in Richmond Park.
A New Believer!
Our team met Alex during Welcome Week. He is the president of the American Society and was recruiting to this club. He is from Singapore but has an interest and appreciation for American culture. Garrett, one of our staff, hit it off with Alex and began to develop a friendship. Soon after it was clear that Alex was very spiritually interested. Garrett was able to meet regularly with him and read the Bible and have conversations about Jesus. Over the Christmas break God continued to work in Alex's life and he continued read the Bible on his own. Alex is now saying that he became a Christian sometime in the last month! Please pray for Alex, that this profession would be genuine and that he would grow more in love with Jesus.
This picture was taken at our Thanksgiving dinner event in November. Alex is in the front row on the left.
Pizza & Discussion is Back
On Thursday we restarted Pizza & Discussion. It was great to welcome back students to a new school term. Not only did we enjoy pizza together, we were able to talk about the deeper things in life. The topic was Friendship, which led to some great discussions about our desire to be accepted and loved by others. Pray that God would use these conversations to point others to the love and acceptance we have in Christ.
Coffee & Treats
As we continue to pioneer this ministry in the London context we are trying new things. On Thursday we handed out coffee & treats at one of the Student Accommodations near campus as a way to meet new students. Praise God that He has blessed us with a good relationship with the Assistant Manager. Please pray for all the students we met. Pray that God would open up doors to new friendships and Gospel conversations.
Identity Dinner
Our church hosted a free three course meal for church members to invite their unbelieving friends, family, and coworkers. Each course was followed by a ten minute talk and discussion by tables. The topic was Identity: A Search For Self. The first talk connected this idea of identity to the culture. The second talk shared the Christian view of identity and the third talk was a testimonial of how identity is lived out as a Christian. Chad had the opportunity to give the second talk of the evening. There were 85 in attendance and God brought 15 students to the dinner, 14 of which are unbelievers. Praise God that these students came! Pray for us as we continue to have follow up conversations with each of them.
Chat & Mandy Mary
A New Believer!
Our team met Alex during Welcome Week. He is the president of the American Society and was recruiting to this club. He is from Singapore but has an interest and appreciation for American culture. Garrett, one of our staff, hit it off with Alex and began to develop a friendship. Soon after it was clear that Alex was very spiritually interested. Garrett was able to meet regularly with him and read the Bible and have conversations about Jesus. Over the Christmas break God continued to work in Alex's life and he continued read the Bible on his own. Alex is now saying that he became a Christian sometime in the last month! Please pray for Alex, that this profession would be genuine and that he would grow more in love with Jesus.
This picture was taken at our Thanksgiving dinner event in November. Alex is in the front row on the left.
Pizza & Discussion is Back
On Thursday we restarted Pizza & Discussion. It was great to welcome back students to a new school term. Not only did we enjoy pizza together, we were able to talk about the deeper things in life. The topic was Friendship, which led to some great discussions about our desire to be accepted and loved by others. Pray that God would use these conversations to point others to the love and acceptance we have in Christ.
Coffee & Treats
As we continue to pioneer this ministry in the London context we are trying new things. On Thursday we handed out coffee & treats at one of the Student Accommodations near campus as a way to meet new students. Praise God that He has blessed us with a good relationship with the Assistant Manager. Please pray for all the students we met. Pray that God would open up doors to new friendships and Gospel conversations.
Identity Dinner
Our church hosted a free three course meal for church members to invite their unbelieving friends, family, and coworkers. Each course was followed by a ten minute talk and discussion by tables. The topic was Identity: A Search For Self. The first talk connected this idea of identity to the culture. The second talk shared the Christian view of identity and the third talk was a testimonial of how identity is lived out as a Christian. Chad had the opportunity to give the second talk of the evening. There were 85 in attendance and God brought 15 students to the dinner, 14 of which are unbelievers. Praise God that these students came! Pray for us as we continue to have follow up conversations with each of them.
Chat & Mandy Mary

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