England Missionary Update

We are convinced now more than ever that there is a great need for the good news of Jesus in the city of London. Conversations with students from around the world are only possible with your prayers and support. Through these conversations I'm reminded that college is such a crucial time in the life of an individual as they make decisions about their life's direction. Thank you for playing a vital role in this ministry! Will you join us in praying for God to continue to move in the hearts of students?
"It's All Meaningless..."
It was a nice London evening and we were sitting around a small fire pit in our garden. Johan was one of 13 who arrived at our home that Thursday night for Pizza and Discussion. We listened to John Lennon's "Imagine" as a springboard into dialogue about life, meaning, and purpose. At the end of the evening when students were beginning to leave Johan came up to me and said "It (life) is all meaningless. There must be something more. Chad, you have to convince me there is something more to life." Johan grew up in Malaysia and attended an Islamic school, even memorizing large portions of the Quran. Since moving away from home to study in London he has left his faith in Islam and has been searching for true meaning in life. Our team has shared with him about the hope we have in Jesus and we are praying for God to do a work in his heart. Will you pray for Johan and the many students like him who are searching?
Prayer and Praise
Pray for our financial support needs. Due the increased cost of living, changes in the Dollar to Pound exchange rate, and the loss of supporters, we are raising $2,000 in monthly support.
Praise God for the seminary course that our staff participated in last week. Our team spent 9am-4pm each day learning how to better study and teach the Bible.
Pray for the 90 children from the community participating in our church's Holiday Club (Vacation Bible School). Many of these children go to school with our kids. Our staff team will be serving all of next week (July 24-30) as we seek to share Jesus with the children in our city.
Pray for our Campus Outreach UK Network Conference Aug 28-Sep 1. This is a time of training and encouragement for the three UK regions: London, Birmingham and Edinburgh.
London in Numbers
- 8,982,000 People living in London
- 4 out of 10 Londoners were born somewhere other than London
- 400,000 University Students living in London
- 7.58% of the population in the UK are Evangelical Christian
Family Update
At the end of June, Mandy's stepfather passed away. We flew back to the US to be with family and attend the funeral. Chad and the kids returned to the UK after one week and Mandy stayed an additional week to be with and support her mom. Although it was a difficult time, it was a blessing to get an extra visit with family. Please pray for us as a family as we process this loss.
Our children are wrapping up the school year and with this comes a flurry of fun activity (UK schools begin summer break the last week of July). Evie had a role in her school play and a class trip to Normandy. William had role in his school play, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and continues to play soccer. Annie and Lottie are preparing for their ballet and jazz dance recital this weekend.
Thank you for your friendship and partnership in the Gospel!
Chad & Mandy
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