German Missionary Update

Dear Grace United,
Our family loves Christmas Cards. We eagerly rip open every envelope to take in the content enclosed. Cards from stateside hold fresh news along with the photo evidence of growing children. Cards from Germans are accompanied by tins full of savory contents. Last year, we shared with you about the three Christmas Cards that delighted us the most. Each card articulated evidence of Kingdom growth. You can read the story here.
This year, we have evidence of things unexpected. What exactly are Mailbox Hugs and how does the post office cause PTSD?
1. Mailbox Hugs
Nate was asked at a dinner party, “This year, who has been a constant source of encouragement or inspiration in your life?” He shared about the weekly walks he had been taking in our suburban neighborhood with a guy friend. He noted their deep conversations and willingness to celebrate each other, “Sometimes we just stop at a mailbox and give an unexpected, big, meaningful hug.”
You might be wondering what two guys embraced in a Mailbox Hug looks like. This hug between basketball coaches Williams and Silas is a “Mailbox Hug.” Click to watch the full embrace. We hope your 2023 is FULL of unexpected Mailbox Hugs!
2. Christmas Cards Promote PTSD
This week, I went to the local UPS store to mail our annual Thank You Christmas Card to all our financial supporters. As I worked to get stamps on 120 cards I must have said, “Don’t let me get in your way.” to the nice lady behind the counter 100 times. I finally said, “I normally do this at the post office in Germany, where they are known for not being very nice. I think I have Post Office PTSD. Sorry, that I keep apologizing for my presence!” We both had a good laugh!
If you are not already, would you become a financial donor so we can add you to our Thank You Christmas Card list? Please prayerfully consider making a yearend gift or becoming a monthly supporter. You can make your tax-deductible gift here.
Make A Gift!
Our Thank You Christmas Cards ready for mail!
3. Global Christmas Magazine did not fit in our Mailbox
The first week of December, Fellowship Bible Church mailed out their Global Christmas Magazine. It is so well done and so unexpected for our family to be featured so much! Click the image below, turn to page 36 to read an article about our family, and then on to page 24 to join the daily prayers.
4. Not snailmail, but found in a Mailbox
Nate and I shared our story and about our mission work during our Church’s Christmas Series, Making Room. Our desire was to encourage others towards 4 ways they could Make Room.
A sweet member of our church wrote these words, “… declutter our schedule at the beginning of the year, has led to us being able to say “yes” to assisting multiple family’s enduring hardship. So much richness found in developing an understanding of “people of the church” and “people in the city” and how we can’t just camp out in our comfy little corner of Williamson County.”
In one simple story, she and her family have experienced the power of Making Room for faithful obedience, for others, with our time, and a redefinition of missionary.
We share for only 15 minutes, and you can watch or listen to the podcast by clicking the image below. It starts at the 50 mins. mark.
Our family loves Christmas Cards. We eagerly rip open every envelope to take in the content enclosed. Cards from stateside hold fresh news along with the photo evidence of growing children. Cards from Germans are accompanied by tins full of savory contents. Last year, we shared with you about the three Christmas Cards that delighted us the most. Each card articulated evidence of Kingdom growth. You can read the story here.
This year, we have evidence of things unexpected. What exactly are Mailbox Hugs and how does the post office cause PTSD?
1. Mailbox Hugs
Nate was asked at a dinner party, “This year, who has been a constant source of encouragement or inspiration in your life?” He shared about the weekly walks he had been taking in our suburban neighborhood with a guy friend. He noted their deep conversations and willingness to celebrate each other, “Sometimes we just stop at a mailbox and give an unexpected, big, meaningful hug.”
You might be wondering what two guys embraced in a Mailbox Hug looks like. This hug between basketball coaches Williams and Silas is a “Mailbox Hug.” Click to watch the full embrace. We hope your 2023 is FULL of unexpected Mailbox Hugs!
2. Christmas Cards Promote PTSD
This week, I went to the local UPS store to mail our annual Thank You Christmas Card to all our financial supporters. As I worked to get stamps on 120 cards I must have said, “Don’t let me get in your way.” to the nice lady behind the counter 100 times. I finally said, “I normally do this at the post office in Germany, where they are known for not being very nice. I think I have Post Office PTSD. Sorry, that I keep apologizing for my presence!” We both had a good laugh!
If you are not already, would you become a financial donor so we can add you to our Thank You Christmas Card list? Please prayerfully consider making a yearend gift or becoming a monthly supporter. You can make your tax-deductible gift here.
Make A Gift!
Our Thank You Christmas Cards ready for mail!
3. Global Christmas Magazine did not fit in our Mailbox
The first week of December, Fellowship Bible Church mailed out their Global Christmas Magazine. It is so well done and so unexpected for our family to be featured so much! Click the image below, turn to page 36 to read an article about our family, and then on to page 24 to join the daily prayers.
4. Not snailmail, but found in a Mailbox
Nate and I shared our story and about our mission work during our Church’s Christmas Series, Making Room. Our desire was to encourage others towards 4 ways they could Make Room.
A sweet member of our church wrote these words, “… declutter our schedule at the beginning of the year, has led to us being able to say “yes” to assisting multiple family’s enduring hardship. So much richness found in developing an understanding of “people of the church” and “people in the city” and how we can’t just camp out in our comfy little corner of Williamson County.”
In one simple story, she and her family have experienced the power of Making Room for faithful obedience, for others, with our time, and a redefinition of missionary.
We share for only 15 minutes, and you can watch or listen to the podcast by clicking the image below. It starts at the 50 mins. mark.
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