New USA Missionary Update
Hello friends!
Thank you for continuing to follow along with The Story Letter and praying for all that God is doing and will do in the Southeastern US. I am thankful we can play a role in God’s kingdom building here.
Now that Our Focus is clear and we are full-time, Stateside missionaries, we get this question most, “What will you do first in your new mission field?”.
Answer: “We are in Phase One, which is Shoring up our Ministry Finances and City Learning.”
In a follow up Letter, we dive into City Learning and why it is important, but this letter’s focus is to catch you up on Phase One. Plus, we have the craziest story to tell. That God story, The Other Piece of the Puzzle, is below.
What you will find in this Story Letter:
- Our Focus
- Shoring Up Ministry Finances
- City Learning
- The Other Piece of the Puzzle
Shoring up Ministry Finances
Right now, Nate’s salary is almost 70% funded! We are so thankful for the many faithful supporters who continue to give towards God’s Kingdom growth.
Any business, ministry, or foundation develops in stages to create long-term impact and sustainability. Ours is no different, but for us to be most effective in our mission work, we must have stable finances.
“Being fully funded releases missionaries to focus on and pursue the ministry Jesus has put on their hearts. It frees them from the exhaustion of trying to get by in their life and work and it greatly reduces the temptation to go into debt when those large, unexpected expenses come around.” These powerful words are what Mark West, our EFCA Business Manager often tells ministry donors.
Over the next 6 months, we will be working to establish partnership with new monthly donors and to cover all launching costs through 1-time gifts. Our average monthly donation is $100/month. We are praying for 40 new donors to come on board. Our average 1-time gift is $1000; therefore, we are praying for 25 new gifts to wipe out all launching cost.
City Learning
The first task of any full-time missionary is to live among and dwell in the world of non-Christians in a particular context.
We do this to understand them, connect with them, and develop an ability to communicate the gospel clearly to them. To do this, a missionary must be a diligent student of a people’s political, economic, and religious commitments, as well as their habits, thoughts, and values.
But as God has called us also to engage and equip the church, we need to understand the dynamic of the local church in our city as well…which churches/leaders are like-minded, who desires to move toward the city but doesn’t feel equipped to do so, what mindsets/perspectives are getting in the way of such movement.
Nate and his buddy found "The Secret Coffee Shop" that only locals know about and discuss.
Nate’s recent efforts to do city learning has produced much fruit. He and a buddy meet every Wednesday morning at a different coffee shop around the city. God has granted discernment through conversations with locals as to where the Spirit is at work among the people.
He has also joined a men’s, morning group to find and come alongside individuals who are disillusioned with the church. He hopes their conversations will create healing and positive engagement with the Trinity. His calendar remains full with discipling conversation with fellow believers to encourage them in their own walk with Jesus.
The Lord has also crossed his path with three like-minded local pastors. He looks forward to growing those relationships to see how God will open doors for continued networking and mobilizing the church. Nate watches daily for unveiling ways to partner with God’s Kingdom building here.
God has recently placed me right in the heart of the city to learn and serve her people. God has specifically defined my current mission field.
The Other Piece of the Puzzle
In June, once ReachGlobal (RG) made our stateside role official, I (Brittany) started to draw a 20 hour a week salary to offset the lower stateside salaries we receive and the higher cost of living here. Even though I worked as a full-time employee for RG over the past 7 years, I never drew a salary. To help our family finances break even, I made several calls to my “corporate world” friends to find another 20 hour a week job. I knew I didn’t want just any job. I wanted the job God was going to give me. You see, we had done this before.
Back in 2016 after 1.5 years of job loss and unstable employment, I wrote on Facebook, “God didn't tell Nate to go get any job. He said, "Go get a job at Starbucks". And because he is a man after God's own heart he obeyed. Not because 3:30am alarms are his passion. Not because it fully paid our bills. But because ... That is where God was and that is where he wanted to be - in it with God. I get to call him husband. I get to follow him because I know he is following Him! That's the man I married. And today we are celebrating his last day at #Starbucks!”
My 2016 Facebook Post!
I had interviewed and discussed a few opportunities, but none felt right. While in Germany, frantic emails and WhatsApp messages arrived from a friend, “You MUST apply for this job opportunity!” It sounded crazy, it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but often it is in the crazy and unlikely places we find God. I sent my resume.
Before I got back stateside, the employer requested an interview. So, on day 7 of jetlag, I went to meet the team. Upon first impressions, I thought the other Executive Assistants were fantastic. They seemed to function as a team and lacked corporate “cut-throat” culture.
Nate asked, “Well, what did you discern?” I wasn’t sure, but knew I was curious enough to return for round two if invited.
In round two, I meet the 4 Executives I would be supporting as their Executive Assistant. They were all down to earth, intelligent, and not hesitant to hire someone with my unique employment background.
After the interview, the HR Manager sent this, “Based on a review of your resume, it looks like an aspect of the Attorney General’s Office that you would enjoy, if you are offered the position, would be the integral role the EA position would play in making a difference for the citizens of Tennessee. The person in this position may have interactions with prominent members of TN State Government and being downtown means that we are surrounded by many of our clients.”
God was on the move. I only had to pay attention.
The kids made me promise to take a "First Day" picture.
I accepted their offer with my first day being September 1st. I am officially the new Executive Assistant to the Chief Deputy Attorney General for the State of TN.
In my bout of fear before my first day, my friend called me “Esther” and directed me to remember, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
The Lord, in His mysteries ways has placed me right in the heart of the city to learn more about her, discern where God is at work, and how I can best pray for her people. In one swipe, He made my mission field clear. My “ministry” salary is still 100% crowd funded, but in another form rather than donations to the EFCA.
Am I still working for our ministry? YES!
Am I still teaching bible studies? YES!
Am I still going to mentor and disciple young adults? YES!
Am I still going to love the lost and proclaim Christ in all I do and say? YES!
Praise the Lord for His unique and perfect provision in this phase of our ministry!

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