Thailand Missionary Update

We Added Some Amps ⚡️
We've always wanted to hire someone for our social media and online marketing. Back in late March we interviewed Ampere (like a unit of electricity) and hired her to start in April. She's in her senior year at Chiang Mai University where she studies English full-time and works for us part-time, hopefully full-time when she graduates in the fall. We are so excited to welcome her into our team.
Since the guys did a bike trip a few months ago, Kait and Emily wanted to host something for the Expat Homes ladies. So they invited all the women to an evening at a fun, nice restaurant. It was sweet to get some time all together to connect. And it was good to introduce Amber and Ellie to the staff wives and daughters. We laughed and ate a lot!!
Then that night after dinner, Kait, Emily, Ellie, and Amber stayed at a hotel in the city and continued their girls’ weekend. We’re really grateful they’re with Expat Homes and have really enjoyed getting to know them. Ellie is a believer and Amber is interested in learning about spiritual things. You can pray for us, especially Emily, as she continues to pursue them.
Top left: Joe, Win, Tata, Nuay, Game, Evan, Chatrii, Surin
Bottom left: Ampere, Matt, Tiew, Ellie
Our team is growing! Now we have 10 Thai staff working alongside Evan and Matt. Despite hiring more and more people we still all have more than enough work to do on a daily basis. We'll probably need to add more staff soon at this rate.
We've had quite the season of visitors! Vertical Church from Fayetteville, AR sent a team in April. It was really sweet to be able to show them our lives here. They also helped us unpack some boxes and move furniture. Then they took us to the beach for a time of rest and retreat. We’re really grateful for our partnership with them, as well as, our other supporting churches.
Evan’s parents, Dawn and Jerry McCall, were able to visit us during the month of May. They got in on all the special end-of-the-school-year activities: art show, 6th grade graduation, 6th grade band concert… We really enjoyed getting time with them and Evan’s sister, Kelsey (who is still living in Chiang Mai and working as the secondary art teacher at the same school our kids attend, GIS).
Emily’s parents, Greg and Michelle Bennett, are currently here for a few weeks in June and July. We’re enjoying all the summer things with them, including going swimming in our new neighborhood pool almost everyday.
Friday breakfasts are still our highlight of the week with our staff. Lately we've been studying Romans and diving into issues like submitting to authorities and paying taxes. Paul's teaching is especially relevant in a country where your accountant wants your business to open a "2nd set of books" or home buyers/sellers want you to prepare two sale contracts, a real one and one to show the government, to avoid paying taxes. Or submitting to a government that has promised elections for 8 years since the military coupe. Suddenly the Bible and conversation jumps to life as we seek to apply it in a very dark place that desperately needs Jesus.
Emily was able to finish well in her counseling role at Grace International School (GIS). It took a lot more time and energy than she expected, but it was so sweet to be back in that role and serve in that capacity. She’ll be praying (and you can join her) in how to enter back into the counseling world in the future.
We let our house helper Meen go. It was such a hard decision, but it was the right one. She just wasn’t a great fit overall for our family. She’s been able to find work with a family with younger kids, which she’s excited about. We’re really glad for that.
That means Emily has a lot more responsibility at home, but it’s good timing because she’s currently home and doesn’t have any other work or volunteer commitments. She’s enjoying spending time with the kiddos at home this summer.
A few days after we let our house helper go, our house helper that left 2 years ago told us she needed to find new work. She’s been at a restaurant and the work has been too strenuous for her health. She had some pre-existing health conditions that have gotten way out of control. So…DtonYaa is coming back to work for us! Yay!!!!! We are elated!!! She feels like a little sister to us and older sister to our kids. Evan often teases her that she actually feels like his oldest daughter. We’re hoping to give her a place and space to be able to earn an income, but work at a place that will allow her body to heal. Please pray for her body to recover and heal.
After 6 long years of always having to have Evan or Matt present to run Expat Homes, the business is finally in a place to let both families leave at the same time. And that’s worth celebrating! We went with the Kaeb family to Phuket in April in what we officially dubbed as McKaebtion! We enjoyed some much needed downtime and lots of fun at a waterpark on the beach. We’re so grateful for their friendships and that we enjoy co-laboring with them in Thailand. They’re a gift to us.
Our teammates, the Kaebs, are currently in the USA soaking up some time with family and friends. They’ll return when school starts in August. We can't wait to welcome back these crazy/fun people!
So that means Evan is running the business on his own. He’s got it under "control", but it can mean some pretty full, overwhelming days. Please for extra energy and peace from the Lord to fill him up and spur him on.
Benson had his 6th grade graduation is on to middle school next year!
Kids playing Uno with our Thai staff.
Rii, Nuay's wife, came to teach Emily how to cook green curry and tom yum soup.
Book character day at school.
There is always time to stop and hug an elephant in Thailand.
Swimming is your best friend when everyday in Thailand feels like summer.
Thank you so much for being an important and faithful part of our team through your prayers and support. We really appreciate you!
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